Brilliant books to inspire young girls
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GirlBE recommends

I have a poster in our kitchen featuring the phrase: You are what you listen to.
It's probably the most powerful lesson I've learnt in my life.
What you feed your mind and what you choose to listen to directly impacts your wellbeing and self-confidence.
It's why I set up GirlBE club in the first place. I wanted young girls to receive a great hefty dose of positivity and empowerment each month, to fill their minds with thought-provoking topics and encouragement.
After all what greater gift can we give our daughters than the lesson to: Always remember to fill your mind with positivity and self-esteem.
Honestly, I can't tell you how much it fills my heart to hear how our GirlBE boxes are positively impacting and encouraging girls.
And although I try fill the GirlBE magazine full of amazing Girl Power topics every month , I believe the key ensure those messages filter in, is to make sure they come from as many sources as possible.
Here's just a small collection of books I think will help do just that!
First up: Great books written by teenage girls to inspire others.
1) Marley Dias gets it done and so can you.

Fed up with the books she was constantly asked to read in school that never seemed to feature anyone like her.
Marley was determined to see things change, she started by launching the campaign #1000BlackGirlBooks.
Marley shares her personal journey to compassionate social activism and delivers hands-on strategies on how you can too.
Reading age: 10+. - View book
Reading age: 10+. - View book

Sky Brown is the professional skateboarder and surfer who represented Great Britain at the 2020 Summer Olympics, where she won a bronze medal at age twelve.
(Becoming Britain's youngest ever Olympic medallist.)
Sky hopes to continue making history while inspiring young girls and women across the world to reach for their dreams and to become unstoppable.
This is a short book featuring photos and words or wisdom/quote from Sky.
Reading age: 8+. - View book

Part memoir, part business book-this fascinating read tells the story of Mikaila's journey.
Inspired by her Great Granny’s lemonade recipe, Mikalia launched her lemonade stand selling lemonade sweetened with Texas honey when she was just 4 years old!
The award-winning lemonade is now sold in 100s of outlets across America.
Since starting Me & the Bees, Mikaila also established The Healthy Hive Foundation, which teaches social entrepreneurship, and saves the bees through research, education, and protection.
Reading age: 9+. - View book

If your daughter has ever watched Jessie, then it's likely she's already a fan of Skai.
A 'star' from an early age, Skai discussing the change she went through from having endless amounts of self-confidence when she was younger to suddenly being exposed to the negative experiences that sometimes come with living in the spotlight.
The insecurities about her appearance and the bullying she's faced both personally and professionally.
Her story will encourage girls to believe in themselves and to have the courage to reach for the sky and follow their dreams.
Reading age: 9+. - View book
5) No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference: Illustrated Edition

Obviously, Greta needs no introduction! This book little book is full of photos documenting her meteoric rise to fame and her drive to make a difference.
Written in diary form, it features her speeches and her passionate reactions as she stood up and challenged World Leaders.
Although perhaps not the easiest to read, it does act as a brilliant reminder of what one young girl can achieve.
Reading age :12 years+ (But the photos are so inspiring and the book's message so good. It's probably a must for every girl's book shelf whatever her age!) - View book
Books showcasing inspirational girls and their stories.
Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights; Illustrated Edition for Younger Readers

This book calmly and gently shares Malala's story in vocabulary suitable for younger readers.
It charts Malala's story and her refusal to be silenced. Written in first person, it recounts her journey and her determination to speak out.
Her inspiring message of hope and determination shines out.
Reading age :7+ - View book
Greta's Story: The Schoolgirl Who Went On Strike To Save The Planet

This book is excellent for introducing younger readers to Greta and her passion for saving the planet.
Again written in an age-appropriate style, it includes illustrations and quotes to break up the text and keep the reader engaged.
Reading age :9+ - View book
Girls with dreams grow into women with vision:
Becoming: Adapted for Younger Readers: Michelle Obama

Michelle takes you from her humble beginnings through to her experiences as a law graduate, then onto living in the White House as The First Lady.
Adapted for younger readers, this version of Becoming shares Michelle's vision and compassion. Her hope for change in uncertain times and her belief in helping others.
What also comes over loud and clear is her understanding that no one is perfect, yet we are all capable of achieving great things.
Reading age :10+ - View book
Books that inspire a girl's confidence.
The Confidence Code for Girls.

Packed with graphic novel strips, fun lists and quizzes, and stories from real girls, this book will reveal the code for confidence—how to make it and how to use it.
Encouraging girls to take action, tackle risks that lead to big, big adventure and taking on challenges they never would have even imagined.
Reading age : 8-12 years - View book
The Happy Self Journal

An award-winning daily journal for kids aged 6-12.
Using scientifically proven methods the journal help promote happiness, develop healthy habits for life and nurture curiosity.
The daily journal encourages children to pick up a pen, each day and write down their thoughts, hopes and fears.
Reading age : 6-12 years - View Journal
Strong is the new Pretty

This fabulous book is packed with incredible photos of girls. Rather than focusing on beauty, the book is shines with the true essence of girls.
Championing the message that girls are perfect in their imperfection; beautiful in their chaotic, authentic lives.
Empowered by their strength instead of their looks. They are messy. They are loud. Wild. Full of life. Adventurous. Silly. Funny. Strong.
Reading age : 7+ years - View Book
Girl Power Fiction Books
Girls Rule

Alesha Dixon, Tv star and signer, began writing books for girls after struggling to find ones for her daughters that encouraged diversity, courage and team work.
Her Lightening Girl series became bestseller and this latest book is a hilarious tale of sisterhood is, perfect for anyone who loves fun tales of friendship and big dreams!
Reading age : 11+ years - View Book
Looking for a way to inspire your girl every month ?
Our GirlBE boxes deliver a dose of empowerment through the letterbox every month.
Focusing on girl power, positivity, mindfulness and self-belief.
We've had fantastic feedback from subscribers on how they are actually building confidence and inspiring girls!
Learn more about our GirlBE

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Hi I'm Natalie - founder of GirlBE and Raising Strong Daughters
Statistics show between the ages of 8-14, girls’ confidence levels fall between 30 percent.
Only 27.1% of leaders or managers worldwide are women.
In an era of #Metoo, #EqualPay, #Girlscount, (and now the effects of the global pandemic, and the rise in girls mental health issues!).
I believe we should do all we can to show girls their worth and empower them towards greatness.

Before you move on, Are you looking for more ways to support your girl?
I'm on a mission to help those of us raising girls have all the information and resources we need to raise the next generation of strong women.
We need to work together if we are going to ensure our girls reach their potential, so let's stay in touch!